Overheard at Mudchute Farm – a boy (about four years old) thoughtfully surveying the sheepfold:
I am ninety-nine percent sure I like sheep.
My childhood views about sheep are not recorded, but today my mother discovered, in the pages of an old diary, this unambiguous statement scrawled when I was two or three years old:

It says (in Bangla) We do not love crows. 'Crow' is misspelt and the letterforms are far from perfect, but as you can see from this example, I was a kid who was seldom < 100% sure about things.
Haha, keeping in tone with this and the previous post, the dice just generated this: http://theworldaccordingtosroyon.blogspot.co.uk/2010/02/appalling-art.html
You were such adorable kids :D
But the difference between the Mudchute kid and you is that he was making a subjective declaration. He is 99% percent sure that he does like sheep. You on the other hand seem to be making a more generalised claim. We don't like crows. Perhaps it is harder to know oneself in these matters?
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