All my life, at least until I entered college, my parents took care of all my expenses. In college, my parents paid my tuition fees (which were relatively modest, being a public university) but I otherwise managed to support myself by doing internships and teaching tuition classes. For a short while, I had a research stipend which allowed me to live comfortably if not luxuriously.
All my life, I have never owned more than three pairs of covered shoes at a time: formal shoes, trainers and football boots. I have trekked in the Himalayas in trainers – one trail took us to over 18,000 ft – and maintained, not without a touch of disdain, that only people who were not surefooted enough needed specialized boots for hiking.
And now, for climbing a puny 2,930 ft mountain in Wales, I bought myself a pair of hiking boots.

this is what happens when you earn thousands of frikkin POUNDS an country where everything else also costs thousands of frikkin pounds.
The boots don't cost thousands of pouds. Kels!
London photos and stories?
You could dig up bog bodies in those.
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