Monday, 30 November 2009

The Nutritional Properties of Atta

What the tagline for Ganesh Atta presumably tries to convey is that Eating Ganesh Atta Keeps You Healthy. What it instead says is:

…a fact which, as you will see from the picture above, was never in doubt.


Anonymous said...

Smart one!

Priyanka said...

Haha. Haha. I should really start watching TV.

Shrabasti Banerjee said...

Hahahahahaha. Brillyunt.

Anonymous said...

Cyrus Broacha is coming out with his book "The World According to Cyrus"!!

Copyright violation Lawsuit in your mind?

Kroswami said...


Anushka said...

You deserve some kind of award for this.

Sroyon said...

@Anonymous, Shrabasti & Anushka: Thank you. :)

@Priyanka: Er, what does TV have to do with this?

@debosmita: I nicked my own blog name from "The World According to Garp" by John Irving. And anyway I am very lax about copyright.

@Kroswami: What did you find blasphemous? Or did you just say it because 'blasphemy' rhymes with 'Kroswami'?